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Rebuilt from the hull up, another recently finished project is launched.

Rampart 42 rebult in 2006. Hull recorked throughout, and puttied. Plywood side decking partially replaced and epoxy sheathed. Deckhouse, sides and front replaced.  New matchboard house deckhead plied and epoxy sheathed. New wheelhouse constructed in mahogany using mortice and tennon joints, railed and mullioned with plywood panels.

The Laurent Giles Designed  September Moon repaired in 2007. Replacement badges fore and aft to gunwale on starboard side. Deck house, pilot house and stern accommodation roofs epoxy sheathed. New hatches constructed, all bright work stripped back and completely re-finished in coelan. Hull sanded, prepped and re-sprayed in single part yacht enamel.

18ft Edwardian launch designed by SBA

mid construction 18ft Edwardian launch designed by SBA, built by Boatchippy to customer specification

18ft Edwardian launch designed by Steam Boat Association, fitted by Boatchippy to customer specification. Engine mounts designed to take a steam or electric unit

Early construction of new '18 steam launch using mahogany inlaid with American oak decking on a new purpose built GRP hull.

Restoration project in our new workshop at Penarth Marina boat yard

Morgan Giles '32 refit

Replace entrance and hatch on a Morgan Giles ‘32

New white upholstery in a Morgan Giles '32

New oak mast post (Right of center) in Morgan Giles '32